5 Reasons Kids With ADHD Need Massage


Massage is always seen as a luxury, but for kids (and adults!) with ADHD it should be considered a necessity. As we all know, massage has lots of benefits. And those suffering from ADHD have unique needs that benefit from bodywork’s calming effects. Luckily, massage has no negative side effects, only relaxing benefits.

Focused Kids

Kids and adults with ADHD that receive two 20-minutes massage therapy sessions per week see benefits in attention. And it helps their ability to remain focused. As a result, kids who get massaged have increased vagal tone. There is also an increase in attentiveness and relaxed state. Remaining focused and on task helps in all aspects of life. We could all use a bit more focus but kids with ADHD have significant problems with it. Ultimately, increased focus can help your kid at home, at school, and in social situations.

Improved Mood

It seems like a no-brainer, but massage makes kids happier. As we know, kids with ADHD have more mood swings and are more likely to have mood related issues. For instance, when a child receives regular massage therapy their parents report that they seem happier. Massage lessens the stress hormone cortisol, which may be partially responsible for the increased good mood.

At first many kids are reluctant to get a massage, but after a session or two they will be looking forward to it. Ultimately, kids know how good massage makes them feel.

Increased Sleep

The National Institutes of Health advises that massage therapy can improve sleep. This was based on research from the American Massage Therapy Association. It seems pretty clear cut, getting a massage is relaxing and allows them them to sleep better. It works the same for kids with ADHD, their neurological systems are calmed down by massage and they get a good nights sleep. More sleep equals a better time for everyone!

Improved Parent and Child Relationship

Regular massage therapy for children with ADHD improves parent-child relationships. In a study published by the Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review researchers found that families reported feeling stronger and easier bonds with their children after the children received massage therapy regularly for a month.

Massage is a Natural Therapy

Many parents who are hesitant to put their children on medication for ADHD look for alternatives. And for those who just want something in addition to medications, massage has can help. As a result, massage helps to calm the nervous systems while regulating their anger and hyperactivity. And their are no side effects to massage. Above all, investing a bit now in massage therapy for your kids now, can help them grow into calmer, more confident adults.

Alice Palmeri, LMT works in Southwest Portland, Oregon where she specializes in massage therapy for everyone. License # 23983

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