Craniosacral Therapy for Babies, Older Kids, and Teens

craniosacral therapy for babies with tongue ties

How does craniosacral therapy help my baby or older child?

New parents want to give their children the healthiest start and best care possible. Craniosacral therapy for babies and children can be very healing and help with many common problems. Some issues new parents face are relatively minor, while others will need a bit more attention and maybe even a specialist.

Having a new child is a major life change and can seem overwhelming no matter how prepared you are. And of course, your new family will face unforseen challenges. CST is a specialized therapy that may be able to help. Additionally, older children can benefit from craniosacral treatment at any age. Craniosacral therapy for babies can be a wonderful tool to help treat a variety of issues.


CST can be used along side other therapies. Many new parents will seek help from a lactation consultant, pediatrician, or have just had a tongue tie correction and seek support from an infant craniosacral specialist as well. Sometimes it takes a village. 


nursing & breastfeeding issues
sleep issues or lack of sleep
emotional and physical stress
flat head syndrome aka. plagiocephaly
babies who seem “checked out”
movement and developmental milestone delays
impacts of difficult deliveries/ birth trauma
poor digestion, colic, or reflux
Ear Pain
excessive fussiness
brain injury
“failure to thrive” aka. poor weight gain
behavioral issues
learning disabilities
anxiety and depression

What is craniosacral therapy and how does it work?

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and wholistic form of manual therapy that works to free up restrictions in the body. CST creates movement, helps cerebral spinal fluid flow, and can help regulate the central nervous system. Studies have shown that CST improves many common conditions that affect infants.

Being born is an intense experience in many ways, for both baby and parents. For the baby, it’s head has to narrow enough to be born. Luckily, the cranial bones of a babies’ head are mobile and can glide around to reshape to get the job done. These bones often override each other in order to narrow and fit though. As a result, the baby’s head does not always return to its normal shape right away. Sometimes the cranial nerves can also be impacted, which can cause some issues like those previously listed. After CST, there can be improvement in muscle, lymphatic, blood and nerve function.
CST will help a baby’s body and mind recover so they can begin discovering the world and their family.

What can I expect during my baby’s CST treatment?

Most babies and older children enjoy their CST sessions. Sessions last from 45-60 minutes depending on the individual. Your baby can sit in your lap, be held by you, your partner, or us. Sometimes, babies prefer to nurse or even nap through part or all of the craniosacral treatment. Any way the baby finds to relax is ideal for CST. The touch involved during their session will be very light and gentle.
Toddlers and older kids may feel restless and move around, craniosacral therapy for babies and children can be done on mobile kids too. In some cases, we will play during their treatment. Not to worry, CST can be dynamic, fun, and just as beneficial.
Many parents are worried CST will be painful. Most babies really enjoy themselves and many even fall asleep. The touch used during the session is very gentle and will not hurt. We will show you the pressure used during our session before working with your baby.
Afterwards, your baby may be sleepy, this is part of the healing process and perfectly normal. Sometimes, a baby may cry to relieve stress, this too is therapeutic and should soon subside.

Can I use insurance for CST for my baby or older child?

Yes! CST is considered a type of massage therapy. So if your insurance covers massage therapy, we are happy to bill both Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Providence. Please check with your insurance before scheduling to make sure massage therapy is covered and let us know if your insurance requires a referral.
Additionally, please fill out our intake form and indicate that you would like to use insurance in the “notes” section. Use your child’s name when making the appointment, not a parent’s name, and please complete all sections.
Of course, there is no guarantee of insurance payment and guardians will be financially responsible if a claim is not honored by their insurance. If you are out of network, we are happy to provide a “superbill” for you to send in to your insurance for reimbursement.

Book Your Session to Begin Healing Today

Every session is tailored to your particular needs in a friendly inclusive environment. Your comfort and healing are our main priority.