Live Migraine Free – Natural Migraine Help Through Massage


migraines suck, and that ‘s a fact

Migraines are horrible, there’s no debating that. There are those that will tell you, “It’s just a headache.” But if you’ve ever had a real migraine, you know this is bullshit. Yes, I cursed. Because that is how annoying that statement is to those of us that have true migraines. Luckily, my hate for migraine headaches has lead me to discover what actually helps. Along my migraine journey, I found that natural migraine help is available and actually works!

So if migraines aren’t just headaches, what are they and why do they suck so much?

A migraine is a type of headache with a variety of unpleasant symptoms. These include but are not limited to: severe pain and throbbing of the head, sensitivity to light and seeing “auras” or blind spots. Sometimes there will be a sensory warning sign that will let you know to get home and duck for cover. Migraine warning signs such a light sensitivity or numbness and tingling in fingers or feet are common. Migraines are usually long lasting and not easy to control.

natural migraine help

Recently, more treatments for controlling migraine symptoms have become available. By all means, if Botox or other prescription medications help control your migraines, I totally understand! More power to you, it’s important to find what works for you. But as a lover of everything natural, I turned to natural migraine help through massage and hydrotherapy. After a lifetime of migraines, I have discovered that avoiding triggers, catching migraines early, and getting weekly migraine targeted massage and hydrotherapy are essential.

Natural migraine therapy utilizes massage, acupressure, visualization and breathwork, as well as hydrotherapy. Massage can help relax neck and head muscles that can cause migraines. Acupressure points can also help relieve symptoms and normalize energy and blood flow. Hydrotherapy helps to normalize blood flow so that you can start feeling like yourself again.

Research shows that natural migraine help including massage therapy works. Of course talk with your doctor to find if medication can help. But don’t be afraid to take things a step further by seeking a massage therapist that specializes in natural migraine relief techniques. Make sure you make time to get the treatment you deserve.

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