Prenatal and Postpartum Massage in Portland


Massage before and after pregnancy should be part of every mother’s care. There are so many changes during pregnancy. Luckily, there are many places to get a postpartum massage in Portland. Bodywork can be a great way to de-stress and heal. After giving birth, new moms are very busy and focus naturally switches to the new baby. But this is also a time to begin a mother’s healing process. And as an added bonus, a postpartum massage will help rebalance her hormones.
Postpartum mothers have just gone through very significant changes. Consequently, receiving a massage gives new moms the opportunity to focus on some very well-deserved self-care.

Postpartum massage helps even out those new mom hormones

Postpartum massage can also help promote hormonal balance. Massage helps regulate stress hormones and promotes endorphins (the happy hormones). Having more balanced hormones can help new mothers avoid postpartum mood fluctuations. And even though a major life event has taken place, there is no reason a mom can’t get back to feeling like herself again.
There are many reasons to enjoy a postpartum massage. Most massages are done in office and you’re welcome to bring your new family, we’re flexible. But we can come travel to you if you are unable to come for an office visit. We understand that this is a very special time for your family, please email us with any questions.

Abdominal Healing

Even though not many health care providers will mention your abdominal area after going birth, we think this is an essential part of the postpartum healing process.
As a new mom, your abdominal muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia have just done amazing things and stretched to impressive lengths. It’s our job to help them get back to normal. This is a very important part of the postpartum healing process that is often ignored but is so essential to regaining strength, bladder control, and helping your muscles knit back together. Many new moms notice a stronger core, greater urinary control, less hip, and lower back discomfort, and a firmer stomach. Every woman heals at a different pace, but we offer postpartum massage in Portland because we love helping moms feel like their old selves again.  We are specially trained in postpartum techniques that help assist your healing process.

Doulas aka. postpartum angles!

We’ve teamed up with a two wonderful doula services in Portland, Bridgetown Baby and Birth First Doulas . The services they have to offer new families are invaluable! As a culture, families used to have a network of relations and community that would help support them. But in our busy times, that network and support have been broken. It’s often left up to the individual new family or just mom to take care of everything and everyone. Let Bridgetown Baby and Birth First Doulas help out, there’s no need to do it all on your own. From labor or nighttime doula support to lactation consolation, doulas can offer the essentials for new families. An excellent resource to send your in-laws as an alternative to buying a new cute outfit. How about a nighttime doula instead, so you can catch up on some much-needed sleep?

“Alice offers some of the best prenatal massages in Portland”

-Kunji Rey


Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a very special time for women. And we know, it often feels like you’re running a marathon and you’re just going about your everyday life! Every pregnant woman deserves a massage. As a result, getting a massage is good for the mind, body, and soul… oh yes, and the baby! When moms receive a massage, their baby benefits too.

Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special concerns of expecting women. Special cushions and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen and baby. As a result, mom and baby are both comfortable.
I am happy to massage women during pregnancy after 12 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a reason why you are unable to come to the office, you can just email me. I’m happy to make an in-home visit for those moms who may not be able to make it in.


Mom and Dad, it’s okay to share a massage

That’s right, you can split your massage session or each have one, you choose. Lower your stress and treat yourself. I love seeing couples lazying around on the couch with their baby, smiling after splitting a massage.

Book Your Session to Begin Healing Today

Every session is tailored to your particular needs in a friendly inclusive environment. Your comfort and healing are our main priority.