Wellness Massage

Wellness massage is intended to work out tension and adhesions. This type of massage uses multiple methods to improve range of motion and promote relaxation as well as healing. We often incorporate many different techniques such as deep tissue, orthobionomy, craniosacral, and Swedish massage. These techniques are essential to a wellness massage and also can help muscles recover. Additionally, you may chose to have cupping, essential oil therapy, or hydrotherapy during your wellness massage session.

During your first visit, we will take a bit of time going over your concerns. This is important so that we know which areas to focus on. Maybe you’ve had neck pain for years or frequent lower back pain that just won’t go away. Even if you’ve have old injuries for years, it’s possible to heal. Muscles and fascia can release and healing begin. 


Why choose a wellness massage?

As a result of addressing the areas troubling you, we can get you on the path to feeling good again. Therapeutic touch is incredibly healing. Bodywork can help you on your path to be pain free. After your first session of wellness massage, we will focus on bodywork the whole time.

Your only job during your massage session is to relax and enjoy. This is your time to just let go. In our busy lives, it’s hard to just stop and relax, this is your time. We will do some breathing exercises during your session if you like to help with the relaxation process. By the end of your first session, you will be a relaxation expert!

After your therapeutic massage, it’s important to keep nourishing your mind and body. We may go over some stretches or relaxation techniques that can be done at home. But most importantly, you will have taken time to take care of yourself. All of us have busy lives, this is your time for self-care. So unwind, and relax. We look forward to working with you!

Book Your Session to Begin Healing Today

Every session is tailored to your particular needs in a friendly inclusive environment. Your comfort and healing are our main priority.