Yoga During Coronavirus Lockdown


The Coronavirus Pandemic poses many challenges. Many of us are stuck at home, working on remote projects as we await the eventual return to normalcy. While your area may allow some businesses to re-open, such as bars and restaurants, many towns are reticent to open gyms and yoga studios. Practicing yoga during Coronavirus lockdown can be challenging. Furthermore, many are hesitant to work out under the current conditions. After all, a room full of people practicing intentional breathing can still pose risks, even when everyone is wearing their masks responsibly.

This post is all about how to practice Yoga during this era of Coronavirus quarantine.

Studio Yoga During Coronavirus Lockdown

It’s true. Some studios are opening and conducting classes. You have been stuck at home for months on end and now feel the urge to practice yoga in a studio. If you must visit a studio, please do so while taking measured precautions. Yoga during coronavirus lockdown can be safe, if practiced wisely.

First and foremost, make sure that you have the appropriate face covering. For yoga, or any public exercise, you will need a mask that fits snugly over your nose and which stays in place as you move. There are many masks for sale these days that tend to slip around. Those may suffice for a quick trip to the grocery store, but you don’t want your nose suddenly exposed in the middle of class.

You will also want to check with the studio to see that they practice appropriate cleaning methods and enforce other public health protocols. It may be helpful if they are taking extra care to circulate air in the studio. You might seek assurances that the floor has been appropriately cleaned.

Lastly, consider your own health. If you feel at all symptomatic, seek out a test to confirm or refute your suspicions. If you are healthy and haven’t been exposed to anyone with the disease, then proceed to the studio with your mask affixed. To be certain, check your temperature before leaving for the studio.

Develop a Home Yoga Practice

This is perhaps the safest way to continue practicing yoga during coronavirus lockdown. You can control your environment and you won’t have to worry about infecting others, or being infected yourself. If the weather is nice, you might even consider practicing outside.

Seasoned practitioners might consider developing their own routines. If this sounds like a daunting task, break down the process by first establishing a focus. For example, explore your body and determine what area you wish to work the most. For instance, you may want to work on your hips. With that in mind, make a list of your favorite yoga poses that focus on the hips:

  • Padangusthasana – Big Toe Pose: This is a forward-folding pose that can be done standing or sitting.

  • Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle Pose: Often called butterfly pose, this posture is a terrific warm-up.

  • Upavistha Konasana – Wide-legged sitting: Another good pose to help warm up the hips, though place it in your routine as you wish.

  • Utthita Trikonasana – Extended Triangle Pose: This pose is good for mid-practice or as part of your sun-salutation flow.

  • Garudasana – Eagle Pose: This balance pose is terrific for later in your routine.

You don’t need to integrate every pose into your routine, but choose a few that are easier for you and also a few that pose challenges. Naturally, you will want to include other poses that compliment your focus poses, or which target other vital areas, such as your hamstrings or glutes.

There are other ways to focus a routine. For instance, some people focus on a specific chakra. Think back on favorite yoga teachers and how they arrange the poses. You are sure to find inspiration.

As always: Don’t forget to Breathe 😉

Online Yoga Classes

Not everyone wants to create a practice at home. Professional yoga teachers are still available to guide us through a carefully choreographed routine. You can stream these classes to your computer or television and still interact with your favorite teacher or perhaps someone new. Yoga during coronavirus lockdown can offer an opportunity to explore new teachers and styles of asana. Here is a brief list of online yoga classes that are affordable and easy to schedule:

  • People’s Yoga: This Portland, Oregon yoga studio is staying strong and keeping you healthy with affordable, online yoga classes. Portland has a strong yoga community and this studio employs only the best.

  • Noah Maze: Take a class from this internationally renowned yoga master, or one of his colleagues.

  • Gaia: Find a new online yoga home at Gaia.

  • Ompractice: A fantastic outlet that you may want even after we return to normal.

Alice Palmeri, LMT works in Southwest Portland, Oregon where she specializes in massage therapy for everyone. License # 23983

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