CBD for Neck and Back Pain

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CBD, or cannabidiol, is a relative newcomer on the health and wellness shelves. Many people tout CBD as a treatment for anxiety, sleeplessness, and even pain. CBD also comes in many different forms including salves, dried flower, and a host of edible infusions including sodas, candies, and oils. However, is CBD a good treatment for neck and back pain?

What is CBD?

CBD is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis. Cannabinoids work with and help to regulate our endocannabinoid system. Though newly discovered, the endocannabinoid system runs throughout our bodies and is fundamental for human life. In fact, breast milk contains cannabinoids that help soothe and nourish babies via their endocannabinoid system.

The most well-known cannabinoid is THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, a street term for cannabis. THC is credited for the high or stoned sensation associated with smoking, eating, or otherwise consuming cannabis. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and can act as a counterbalance for THC in some formulations. Users find that CBD induces a sensation of calm and relaxation. THC, meanwhile, does have therapeutic benefits though many are wary of its psychoactive effects.

Due to its non-psychoactive properties, CBD was relatively unknown until legislation opened up legal markets to cannabis. Soon, cannabis professionals discovered CBD’s efficacy in treating childhood epilepsy. As a result, some children stopped taking fistfulls of pharmaceutical pills in favor of CBD treatments.

CBD as Anti-Inflammatory

CBD’s chief benefits come from its anti-inflammatory properties. An anti-inflammatory food or other substance helps the body reduce inflammation. Scientists have found that inflammation causes many health problems including, but not limited to: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and more. They also associate pain with inflammation.

CBD can help reduce the inflammation associated with an injury, such as whiplash. Left untreated, whiplash can result in chronic pain and thus chronic inflammation. This causes a state of perpetual stress. Whiplash victims can seek CBD to help reduce inflammation and healing.

For injuries such as whiplash or back pain, CBD may be taken internally. Consumers can find oils and candies that are enriched with pure CBD in standardized percentages. Some squirt CBD oil under their tongue but others add it to food, such as salad dressing. Some apply CBD as a salve, cream, or lotion. Still others apply CBD oil just as they would a massage oil. A massage therapist can apply CBD oil or CBD cream in their practice. When CBD salve is massaged directly to the affected area it may have a more immediate, focused impact. Patients may also apply CBD products at home as needed.

Neck and Back Pain

CBD is often hailed as a treatment for chronic pains, including neck and back pain. Unfortunately the jury is still out as to the true efficacy CBD has in treating pain. Studies have returned evidence that CBD helps to mitigate pain by around 30 percent. Studies also show that CBD delivers more efficacy than placebo, though not by a lot.

However, it is known that CBD contains anti-inflammatory properties and mounting anecdotal evidence indicates that it addresses both anxiety and depression. On this basis it may be useful to try CBD to help with neck and back pain. Since emotional responses exacerbate painful flare-ups, CBD may help mitigate anxiety when inflammation flares. CBD also provides inherent anti-inflammatory properties that can mute the pain.

People find that their pain diminishes or vanishes altogether when they use CBD in conjunction with regular massage treatments. This depends on the nature of the injury, of course. After all, many times anxiety or emotional responses cause their neck and back pain. When CBD enters the picture, it may help reduce the psychological component of pain which makes it more manageable.

CBD Dosage and Reliability

Since CBD is still so new on the scene, consumers want to know which products are to be trusted and what dosages are appropriate. Since CBD is sold over the counter in nearly every state, often in convenience stores or other non-wellness oriented retailers, it is hard to sort out the better vendors.

For those in states where recreational and medical cannabis are legal, the choices are a bit easier to make. Legal states require rigorous testing for extracts such as CBD oil, CBD salves, and CBD dominant flower. State regulated labs test CBD products for purity and rate them for strength. There are also strains of dried flower that have only trace amounts of THC and are thus primarily CBD. Customers can thus be aware of what to expect and begin assessing what works for them. Since CBD has few, if any, negative side effects, it is easy to discover what works best.

Nevertheless, try CBD at a time after work and where there are few, if any, pressing obligations. This way, the effects can be experienced without interruption. If you are new to CBD, consult with a licensed healthcare professional who will help you determine an optimal starting dose.





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