Craniosacral Therapy for Babies


Craniosacral therapy, also referred to as CST, is a gentle treatment that addresses stresses throughout the body. A craniosacral practioner helps to release restrictions and tension to improve overall well being for their patient. Craniosacral therapy for babies can be very beneficial. It can be especially helpful for babies who are having trouble breastfeeding, sleeping, have colic, or are recovering from tongue tie surgery.

Breastfeeding is a common challenge for new families. Not every baby is able to immediately latch on to their mother’s breast to nurse. Luckily, there are treatments that can help. Sometimes the birthing process is traumatic and can cause pressure on cranial nerves. Other issues can include tongue tie or impingement of the nerves that control the jaw, tongue, and mouth.

When babies are affected in this way, they may have trouble fully opening their mouth. The restriction may cause them to clamp their mother’s nipple with too much force or not be able to latch on. Of course, an improper latch can be very uncomfortable and may cause sores and additional problems. Craniosacral therapy for babies can help new families achieve a healthy, happy breastfeeding experience.

A craniosacral therapist is an expert in assisting the newborn’s jaw, tongue,  mouth, and cranial bones function normally. Releasing restrictions and impinged nerves relieves discomfort for the newborn and eases their parents minds when their child is able to nurse and be feed with less effort.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

CST is a wonderful and gentle manual thetapy for babies. It can also help older children and adults manage a variety of issues. CSTvhas been shown effective in treating diseases that include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Migraine
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy
  • Speech impairment
  • Whiplash

During CST treatments, the patient can remain fully clothed and most sessions are pleasant and relaxing. A session resembles a massage therapy treatment with dimmed lights, soothing sounds, and perhaps an element of aromatherapy.

Craniosacral therapy for babies looks similar, but the baby may decide to nurse, sleep, or even play during their session.  Your prescriber will use extremely gentle pressure and may even work in baby’s mouth. 

Since CST is so gentle and noninvasive, it can be a great help for newborns and small children. Sometimes newborns are negatively impacted during a difficult birth and the resulting issues may cause them a variety of discomforts and other complications.

Craniosacral for babies may be effective in helping newborns overcome issues including, but not limited to:

  • Colic
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • Reflux
  • Birth injury
  • Developmental delays
  • Neurological problems
  • Excessive crying and fussiness

Tongue Tie Relief

Tongue tie is a common condition that can impact newborns. Its clinical name is ankyloglossia and it indicates that the tongue has restricted movement, as though it were literally tied down. In fact, the condition refers to a tight band of tissue that connects the the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. The clinical term for this tissue is the lingual frenulum. If it is connected too tightly or too closely toards the tip of the tongue, baby’s ability to nurse can be affected. Tongue ties can vary in degree and not all need corrective surgery. Ask your pediatrician if you think your child may have a tongue tie.

CST can help the nerves, muscles, and tissues around the mouth develop normally. Once the tongue-tie issue is resolved, the newborn can more easily nurse in a healthy way. 

Healthy Development

Once a newborn is able to nurse more easily, craniosacral for babies may still prove helpful for other problems that arise. Babies are in a state of constant growth and development that yields great, delightful changes every week. This growth can be facilitated by regular visits to a CST practitioner.  Think of it at a type of “baby tune up”. 

After all, every change in the child’s body means that their nerves and fascia are meeting new challenges. When a CST therapist is able to help their growing bodies adjust to the changes, the child is always healthier for it.


Craniosacral Therapy for Infants & Newborns



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