Craniosacral Helps Babies Sleep


There is nothing more enjoyable after having a baby than sleep and recovery.  Unfortunately, many babies have difficulty falling asleep and staying alseep. It is very common to find sleep deprived new parents who would do anything to help their new baby rest through the night. Parents who seek advice on helping their baby get better sleep will find many forms of advice. Craniosacral helps babies sleep by using methods of an advanced and effective form of bodywork.

Signs Your Baby Needs More Sleep

Most parents know their baby isn’t sleeping because they keep their parents up. Babies can also show other symptoms of sleep deprivation such as fussiness or crying. Sometimes babies are unable to eat enough due to a tongue tie or if there is an underproduction of breastmilk. If a mother is not sure if her baby is not geting enough to eat, it’s always a good idea to get evaluated by a breastfeeding support expert.

It’s True, Craniosacral Helps Babies Sleep

Sleep disorders in babies and older children are differentfrom sleep issues that affect adults.  It is important to understand that sleep problems in babies can be due to central nervous system immaturity. There are other reasons such as the need to nurse requently, babies proximity to their mother, hunger, teething, or colic that might also keep a baby awake.

The reasons for lack of sleep may not be obvious and it can be helpful to seek professional advice of a breastfeeding support expert or caniosacral therapist for assistance.

How Craniosacral Helps Babies Sleep More Soundly

Craniosacral helps babies sleep by regulating their central nervous systems and freeing them from birth related trauma. This can sound very serious, but most babies find the gentle touch of CST relaxing, some babies even falling asleep during treatment.

Birth can be very diffcult and babies may need the gentle but effective relief that craniosacral therapy can provide. CST is a gentle for of manual therapy that is soothing and can help release restrictions in the baby’s  body.

Babies who are treated using craniosacral therapy are calmer and more content, and able to sleep better. By gently freeing up cranial nerves and blood vessels, babies will fall asleep easier and stay sleeping longer. Parent’s will also notice that their babies will be healthier emotionally and developmentally.

Finding a Craniosacal Therapist for Infants

Finding your baby the right craniosacral therapist is very important. There are many craniosacral therapists, but an infant CST receives extensive specialied training. At your initial meeting, feel free to ask quesitions and help your baby relax. Many sessions can take place while baby is either awake, sleeping, or even nursing. Improvement can be seen after just one session or may require a few. More sleep for your baby means more sleep for new parents, which can make all the difference.

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