Yoga During Coronavirus Lockdown


The Coronavirus Pandemic poses many challenges. Many of us are stuck at home, working on remote projects as we await the eventual return to normalcy. While your area may allow some businesses to re-open, such as bars and restaurants, many towns are reticent to open gyms and yoga studios. Practicing yoga during Coronavirus lockdown can be […]

Rolfing Treatment: A Guide


Rolfing & Structural Integration Rolfing treatment is a term that sounds odd for many. However, it’s a simple term that we’ll explain in detail. Rolfing is a type of bodywork intended to help heal the body. Wellness practices such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, Rolfing and Structural Integration fall under this heading of bodywork. Though […]

Seclusion, Coronavirus and Practicing Self-care


These days of coronavirus quarantine, shelter-in-place, and social distancing are taking a toll on us all. Coronavirus and practicing self-care has become part of everyday life. Our cities and states are feeling great stress and it’s hard to find reliable information from our leaders. Nevertheless, it’s important for us all to find new ways to […]

Whiplash and Headaches: Symptoms, Types, and Treatment


Whiplash is a terrible pain in the neck that is all too often associated with headaches. If you’ve been in a rear-end collision, have been shaken, or have experienced other trauma in which your neck was thrust back, pay attention to your head. Many, if not most, whiplash sufferers encounter headaches. This is why we […]

Whiplash Neck Symptoms


Whiplash Neck Symptoms Whiplash is a condition that manifests in your neck, often following an automobile accident. The symptoms can be debilitating and only get worse over time. This article describes whiplash neck symptoms and how to identify them. Whiplash Causes Whiplash is a collection of symptoms that arise from major trauma to the neck. […]

Whiplash Injury Symptoms


Whiplash Injury Broken Down into Plain English Most people associate whiplash injury symptoms with a car accident. And this is often true. But whiplash injury can also be the result of other incidents such as a fall, bike accident, head trauma, physical abuse, or sports accident. Whatever the cause may be, it can result in […]

Postpartum Exercise- happy baby, mom, and belly


Why do I need postpartum exercise? Postpartum exercise can help you heal, sleep better, increase your milk supply, and prevent postpartum blues. Although exercise may feel like the last thing you want to do, it comes with lots of benefits. Of course, you should wait until you’re cleared by your doc before beginning any postpartum […]

Best Ways to Relieve Headaches and Migraines


What are the best ways to relieve headaches and migraines? This is a question with many answers. There isn’t just one fix because we’re all different and what’s causing my migraine, isn’t likely to be the cause of your migraine. First off, headaches are different from migraines. Anyone who says different is  just wrong, to […]

Postpartum Wash with Healing Herbs, DIY Perineal Spray


After having baby, postpartum healing herbs can make all the difference. Down there is not the part of our bodies that we necessarily want to pay much attention to after giving birth, but a postpartum wash can really help! The thing that lots of women love after birth was a postpartum wash. It not only […]

Fit4mom SE Portland, Rejuvenate, Exercise, Socialize

This year I’m going to join Fit4mom SE Portland.  My one resolution this year was to start working out. This is big, because (don’t tell anyone!) but I’ve never worked out, ever. And yes, I feel pretty fit and in shape. But now that I have few kids and am getting wiser and older, I figured, […]